Root Guard Speed Basket protects against gophers,moles,and other burrowing animals The first and last product you will ever need for vole protection!Affordable stainless steel mesh rolls up easily, without gloves,and protects the entire crown and root ball from damage Eliminates the need for repetitive,expensive,timely,and labor intensive repellents.

Physical Properties: Knitted wire mesh comes in wire diameters of .006", .008", .0095" and .011". It is available in flattened tubes with widths of 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 38 and 42 inches. Tubes are then rolled and packaged for shipping in cardboard boxes. Mesh can also be supplied in either a flat or crimped (corrugated) form. Our crimped mesh yields will yield approximately 20% less coverage.
Construction Recommendations:
- .011 and .0095 wire diameters are recommended for maximum strength and temperature.
- .008 is ideal for intermediate applications requiring less frequent removal and for sewn applications.
- .006 is recommended for applications that require flexibility